Sep 08, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Day Course Rotation Schedule

Day Campus Course Rotations

Accounting (ACCT) Education (EDUC) Management (MGMT)
American Sign Language (AMSL) English (ENGL) Marketing (MKTG)
American Studies (AMST) Environmental Studies (ENVS) Music (MUSI)
Anthropology (ANTH) Finance (FINC) Nursing (NURS)
Arts and Graphic Design (ARTS) French (FREN) Organizational Leadership (ORGL)
Astronomy (ASTR) Forensic Science (FRSC) Public Administration (PADM)
Biology (BIOL) Geography (GEOG) Philosophy (PHIL)
Child Development (CDEV) Geology (GEOL) Physics (PHYS)
Chemistry (CHEM) History (HIST) Political Science (POSC)
Computer Information Systems (CISS) Honors (HNRS) Psychology (PSYC)
Criminal Justice Administration (CJAD) Human Services (HUMS) Religious Studies (RELI)
College Introductory Studies (COLL) Japanese (JAPA) Sociology (SOCI)
Communication Studies (COMM) Leadership (LEAD) Spanish (SPAN)
English for Academic Purposes (EAPP) Legal Studies (LGST) Women’s Studies (WMST)
Economics (ECON) Mathematics (MATH)  


Accounting (ACCT)

ACCT 278 - Introductory Business Analytics Fall and Spring
ACCT 280 - Accounting I (Financial) Fall and Spring
ACCT 281 - Accounting II (Managerial) Fall and Spring
ACCT 381 - Federal Income Tax-Individuals Fall
ACCT 382 - Intermediate Accounting I Fall
ACCT 383 - Intermediate Accounting II Spring
ACCT 384 - Intermediate Accounting III Occasional
ACCT 385 - Accounting Information Systems Spring
ACCT 386 - Managerial and Cost Accounting Spring
ACCT 399 - Internship: Accounting Fall and Spring
ACCT 481 - Federal Income Tax-Corporations Occasional
ACCT 485 - Fund and Government Accounting Occasional
ACCT 488 - Advanced Financial Accounting Occasional
ACCT 489 - Auditing I Fall
ACCT 490 - Auditing II Occasional
ACCT 499 - Internship: Accounting Fall and Spring

American Sign Language (AMSL)

AMSL 101 - American Sign Language I Occasional
AMSL 102 - American Sign Language II Occasional
AMSL 201 - American Sign Language III Occasional
AMSL 202 - Deaf Culture Occasional
AMSL 301 - American Sign Language IV Occasional
AMSL 302 - American Sign Language V Occasional
AMSL 303 - American Sign Language Grammar Occasional

American Studies (AMST)

AMST 280 - *American Political and Social Thought Occasional
AMST 375 - *Social Movements Occasional

Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH 112 - *General Anthropology Fall and Spring
ANTH 212 - Cultural Anthropology Even Spring
ANTH 270 - *Minority Cultures and Relations Fall and Spring
ANTH 319W - *History and Democracy of the Modern Middle East Occasional
ANTH 327 - *Qualitative Research Methods Odd Spring
ANTH 336 - *Gender and Globalization Even Fall
ANTH 339W - *History of Modern Africa Occasional
ANTH 341 - *Religion and Society Odd Fall
ANTH 345 - *Environment and Society Even Spring
ANTH 381 - *Music and Society Even Fall
ANTH 388 - *Fashion and Society Odd Spring
ANTH 412 - *Slavery and Human Trafficking: Past and Present Odd Spring

Arts and Graphic Design (ARTS)

ARTS 105 - Art Appreciation Fall and Spring
ARTS 111 - Art and Ideas I Fall
ARTS 112 - Art and Ideas II Spring
ARTS 120 - Drawing I Fall and Spring
ARTS 130 - Painting I Fall and Spring
ARTS 140 - 2-Dimensional Design Fall and Spring
ARTS 141 - 3-D Design Fall and Spring
ARTS 216 - Graphic Design I Fall
ARTS 217 - Typography Spring
ARTS 222 - Drawing II Fall and Spring
ARTS 232 - Painting II Fall and Spring
ARTS 240 - Figure Drawing Odd Spring
ARTS 250 - Creative Photography I Fall
ARTS 255 - Digital Photography Spring
ARTS 262 - Printmaking I Fall and Spring
ARTS 271 - Ceramics I Fall and Spring
ARTS 292 - Jewelry I Fall and Spring
ARTS 300 - Special Problems Fall and Spring
ARTS 302 - Illustration Even Fall
ARTS 306 - Ancient Art History Fall ‘15, ‘19, ‘23
ARTS 308 - Medieval Art History Occasional
ARTS 310 - Renaissance Art History Fall ‘16, ‘20, ‘24
ARTS 312 - 17th and 18th Century Art History Fall ‘17, ‘21, ‘25
ARTS 314 - Nineteenth-Century Art History Odd Spring
ARTS 316 - Graphic Design II Fall
ARTS 317 - Web Design I Spring
ARTS 318 - Corporate Identity Spring
ARTS 319 - Digital Media Spring
ARTS 320 - Photography II Fall
ARTS 323 - Drawing III Fall and Spring
ARTS 334 - Painting III Fall and Spring
ARTS 350 - Alternative Photographic Process Spring
ARTS 353 - Creative Photography III Fall
ARTS 364 - Printmaking II Fall and Spring
ARTS 366 - Printmaking III Fall and Spring
ARTS 370 - History of Photography Fall
ARTS 373 - Ceramics II Fall and Spring
ARTS 374 - Video Art Fall
ARTS 375 - Ceramics III Fall and Spring
ARTS 382 - Fibers Fall
ARTS 394 - Jewelry II Fall and Spring
ARTS 396 - Jewelry III Fall and Spring
ARTS 399 - Art/Design Internship Fall and Spring
ARTS 400 - Special Problems II Fall and Spring
ARTS 403 - Twentieth-Century Art History Odd Spring
ARTS 406 - American Art History Fall ‘14, ‘18, ‘22
ARTS 416 - Graphic Design III Fall
ARTS 417 - Web Design II Spring
ARTS 425 - Drawing IV Fall and Spring
ARTS 435 - Printmaking IV Fall and Spring
ARTS 436 - Painting IV Fall and Spring
ARTS 440 - Advanced Figure Drawing Odd Spring
ARTS 454 - Creative Photography IV Fall
ARTS 465 - Drawing V Fall and Spring
ARTS 466 - Painting V Fall and Spring
ARTS 476 - Ceramics IV Fall and Spring
ARTS 480 - Ceramics V Fall and Spring
ARTS 490 - Ceramics VI Fall and Spring
ARTS 496W - Senior Portfolio Fall and Spring
ARTS 498 - Jewelry IV Fall and Spring
ARTS 499 - Advanced Art/Design Internship Fall and Spring

Astronomy (ASTR)

ASTR 108 - Introduction to Astronomy Occasional

Biology (BIOL)

BIOL 105 - Essentials of Science Fall and Spring
BIOL 108 - Human Biology Fall 
BIOL 110 - Principles of Biology I Fall and Spring
BIOL 112 - Principles of Biology II Fall and Spring
BIOL 115 - *Introduction to Environmental Science Spring
BIOL 221 - Clinical Microbiology Spring
BIOL 222 - *Conservation Biology Odd Fall
BIOL 223 - Anatomy Spring
BIOL 224 - *Statistics for the Behavioral and Natural Sciences Fall and Spring
BIOL 230 - Medical Terminology Occasional
BIOL 254 - Genetics Fall
BIOL 300 - *Evolution Odd Fall
BIOL 301 - Ichthyology Even Spring
BIOL 309 - *Animal Behavior Odd Fall
BIOL 312 - Microbiology Fall
BIOL 319 - *Soils Odd Spring
BIOL 320 - *Ecology Even Spring
BIOL 326 - Physiology Fall
BIOL 330 - Exercise Physiology Occasional
BIOL 338 - Forestry Even Spring
BIOL 343 - Botany Even Fall
BIOL 345 - Principles of Cell Biology Spring
BIOL 353 - *Zoology Odd Fall
BIOL 360 - Kinesiology Occasional
BIOL 371 - *Neuroscience Even Spring
BIOL 372 - *Sensation and Perception Odd Spring
BIOL 380 - Developmental Biology Occasional
BIOL 391 - Molecular Biology Fall
BIOL 395 - *Research Design in the Sciences Fall and Spring
BIOL 399 - *Science Internship Fall and Spring
BIOL 410 - Molecular Biotechnology Spring
BIOL 415 - Immunology Odd Spring
BIOL 420 - *Biochemistry I Fall
BIOL 422 - *Biochemistry II Spring
BIOL 472 - *Psychopharmacology Even Fall
BIOL 490 - *Senior Seminar Fall and Spring
BIOL 499 - *Advanced Science Internship Fall and Spring
BIOL 108L - Human Biology Laboratory Fall
BIOL 110L - Principles of Biology I Laboratory Fall and Spring
BIOL 112L - Principles of Biology II Laboratory Fall and Spring
BIOL 115L - *Introduction to Environmental Science Lab Spring
BIOL 221L - Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Spring
BIOL 223L - Anatomy Laboratory Spring
BIOL 254L - Genetics Laboratory Fall
BIOL 312L - Microbiology Laboratory Fall
BIOL 320L - *Ecology Laboratory Even Spring
BIOL 326L - Physiology Laboratory Fall
BIOL 345L - Principles of Cell Biology Laboratory Spring
BIOL 410L - Methods in Molecular Biotechnology Spring
BIOL 420L - *Biochemistry Laboratory Fall

Child Development (CDEV)

CDEV 106 - Child Health, Nutrition, and Safety Spring

Chemistry (CHEM)

CHEM 104 - Fundamentals of Chemistry Fall
CHEM 105 - *Essentials of Science Fall and Spring
CHEM 108 - *Physical Science Survey Occasional
CHEM 109 - Chemistry for Biological and Health-Related Sciences Fall and Spring
CHEM 110 - Chemistry I Fall and Spring
CHEM 112 - Chemistry II Fall and Spring
CHEM 230 - *Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Even Spring
CHEM 310 - Organic Chemistry I Fall
CHEM 312 - Organic Chemistry II Spring
CHEM 322 - Inorganic Chemistry Odd Fall
CHEM 335 - Quantitative Analysis Fall
CHEM 337 - Instrumental Analysis Odd Spring
CHEM 395 - *Research Design in the Sciences Fall and Spring
CHEM 399 - *Science Internship Fall and Spring
CHEM 401 - *Introduction to Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics Spring
CHEM 412 - Advanced Experimental Chemistry Even Spring
CHEM 420 - *Biochemistry I Fall
CHEM 422 - *Biochemistry II Even Spring
CHEM 425 - *Forensic Chemistry I Odd Fall
CHEM 490 - Senior Seminar Odd Spring
CHEM 499 - *Advanced Science Internship Fall and Spring
CHEM 108L - *Physical Science Survey Laboratory Occasional
CHEM 111L - Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Experience Fall and Spring
CHEM 112L - Chemistry II Laboratory Fall and Spring
CHEM 230L - *Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Lab Even Spring
CHEM 310L - Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Fall
CHEM 312L - Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Spring
CHEM 420L - *Biochemistry Laboratory Fall
CHEM 425L - *Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory Odd Fall

Computer Information Systems (CISS)

CISS 145 - Introduction to Python Programming Fall 
CISS 170 - Introduction to Computer Information Systems None
CISS 171 - Introduction to Computer Information Systems for Mac Users None
CISS 176 - Introduction to Computer Science None
CISS 201 - Agile Software Development Fall
CISS 202 - Introduction to Databases Fall
CISS 234 - Visual Basic Occasional
CISS 238 - Java Programming Spring
CISS 240 - Introduction to Programming Fall and Spring
CISS 245 - Advanced Programming Fall and Spring
CISS 298 - Web Programming Spring
CISS 301 - Operating Systems for Business Computing Odd Fall
CISS 302 - Business Data Communications and Networking Even Spring
CISS 311 - Advanced Agile Software Development Spring
CISS 312 - ACM Programming Contest Fall and Spring
CISS 338 - Advanced Java Programming Occasional
CISS 350 - Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures Fall and Spring
CISS 355 - Directed Study Occasional
CISS 358 - Algorithm Analysis Even Spring
CISS 360 - Computer Systems and Assembly Language Odd Fall
CISS 362 - *Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation Even Fall
CISS 365 - Project Management Even Fall
CISS 370 - Operating Systems Odd Spring
CISS 375 - Compiler Construction Even Fall
CISS 380 - Computer Graphics Odd Fall
CISS 390 - Global Information Systems Management Even Fall
CISS 391 - Information Systems Security Odd Fall
CISS 397 - Business Data Analytics Occasional
CISS 399 - Information Systems Internship Occasional
CISS 402 - Advanced Databases Spring
CISS 410 - Computer Networks and Communications Odd Fall
CISS 411 - Software Architecture and Testing Fall
CISS 420 - Computer Architecture Even Spring
CISS 430 - Database Systems Spring
CISS 433 - Topics Occasional
CISS 438 - Object-Oriented Design and Analysis Odd Spring
CISS 445 - Programming Languages Even Spring
CISS 450 - Artificial Intelligence Even Fall
CISS 451 - *Introduction to Cryptography and Computer Security Odd Spring
CISS 455 - Directed Study Occasional
CISS 465 - Software Engineering Fall
CISS 472 - Data Warehousing and Decision Support Systems Occasional
CISS 491 - Business Software Development Spring
CISS 494 - Senior Seminar in Computer Science Fall and Spring
CISS 499 - Internship Fall and Spring

Criminal Justice Administration (CJAD)

CJAD 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Administration Fall and Spring
CJAD 201 - Criminal Investigation Fall
CJAD 233 - *Topics: Mock Trial Fall and Spring
CJAD 301 - Criminal Law Fall
CJAD 306 - Military Justice System Occasional
CJAD 308 - Drug Abuse and Crime Control Occasional
CJAD 310 - Crisis Intervention Occasional
CJAD 311 - Police in a Democratic Society Fall
CJAD 315 - Private Security and Loss Prevention Even Fall
CJAD 317 - Bloodstain Evidence Fall
CJAD 320 - Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice Fall
CJAD 325 - Juvenile Justice System and Procedures Spring
CJAD 328 - Shooting Incidents Occasional
CJAD 330 - Management of Criminal Justice Agencies Spring
CJAD 333 - *Topics: Mock Trial Fall and Spring
CJAD 345 - Ethics and Morality in Criminal Justice Fall and Spring
CJAD 350 - Corrections and Penology Spring
CJAD 351 - Community Based Corrections Occasional
CJAD 352 - Victims in the Justice System Occasional
CJAD 370 - *Dynamics of Terrorism Even Fall
CJAD 390 - Criminal Justice Practicum Fall and Spring
CJAD 399 - Criminal Justice Internship Fall and Spring
CJAD 403 - Cold Case Investigation Occasional
CJAD 405 - Laws of Criminal Evidence Spring
CJAD 406 - Expert and Scientific Evidence Fall
CJAD 415 - Criminal Procedures Spring
CJAD 420 - Legal Issues in Criminal Justice Occasional
CJAD 421 - Organized Crime Occasional
CJAD 425 - Legal Research and Writing Fall
CJAD 495 - Integrative Seminar Spring
CJAD 499 - Advanced Criminal Justice Internship Fall and Spring

College Introductory Series (COLL)

COLL 109 - Communicating to Our World: An Introduction to Leadership Spring
COLL 133 - General Education Foundations Seminar Fall and Spring
COLL 180 - Introduction to Study Abroad: Orientation and Cultural Preparation Fall 
COLL 300 - General Education Cornerstone Seminar Fall and Spring

Communications (COMM)

COMM 110 - Introduction to Speech Fall and Spring
COMM 201 - Cross-Cultural Communication Practicum for Native English Speakers Occasional
COMM 203 - Understanding Human Communication Fall
COMM 214 - Mass Communication in Society Odd Fall
COMM 217 - Food Communication Occasional
COMM 220W - Introduction to Theatre Odd Fall
COMM 224 - Film History and Analysis Spring
COMM 227 - New Literacy Occasional
COMM 230 - Introduction to Communication Theory and Research Fall
COMM 231 - Communication Writing and Research Fall
COMM 298W - Nonverbal Communication Occasional
COMM 303W - Intercultural Communication Odd Fall
COMM 304W - Introduction to Screenwriting Odd Fall
COMM 313 - Interpersonal Communication Even Fall
COMM 320 - Advanced Theatre Occasional
COMM 323W - Argumentation and Debate Odd Spring
COMM 324 - Film Styles and Genres: (specific topic) Even Spring
COMM 334 - Political Economy of Film and Media Occasional
COMM 343W - *Gender Communication Even Spring
COMM 344 - Visual Communication and Culture Even Fall
COMM 354 - Social Media and Virtual Communities Even Fall
COMM 360W - Oral Interpretation of Literature Even Spring
COMM 380W - Performance Studies Occasional
COMM 385 - Performance Styles and Genres: (Specific Topic) Occasional
COMM 393 - Organizational Communication Odd Spring
COMM 399 - Communication Internship Fall and Spring
COMM 404 - Media Criticism Occasional
COMM 420 - Advanced Acting and Production Techniques Odd Spring
COMM 495 - Speech Communication Integrative Seminar Spring
COMM 499 - Advanced Communication Internship Fall and Spring

English for Academic Purposes Program (EAPP)

EAPP 103 - Oral Communication Skills I Occasional
EAPP 104 - Oral Communication Skills II Occasional
EAPP 105 - Written Communication Skills I Occasional
EAPP 106 - Written Communication Skills II Occasional
EAPP 110 - Exploring U.S. Culture Fall and Spring
EAPP 111 - Applied Grammar and Editing Spring
EAPP 112 - Accent Modification Occasional
EAPP 201 - Cross-Cultural Communication Practicum for English Language Learners Occasional

Economics (ECON)

ECON 293 - Macroeconomics Fall and Spring
ECON 294 - Microeconomics Fall and Spring
ECON 393 - Intermediate Macroeconomics Occasional
ECON 394 - Intermediate Microeconomics Spring
ECON 395 - *Financial Markets and Institutions Fall
ECON 399 - Internship: Economics Fall and Spring
ECON 495 - *International Finance Even Spring
ECON 499 - Internship: Economics Fall and Spring

Education (EDUC)

EDUC 100 - Introduction to Education Spring
EDUC 102 - Teaching and Learning Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Perspective Spring
EDUC 105 - Human Health Spring
EDUC 106 - Child Health, Nutrition, and Safety Spring
EDUC 155 - *Algebraic Reasoning for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Odd Fall
EDUC 165 - *Geometric Reasoning for Elementary and Middles School Teachers Even Fall
EDUC 200 - Law, Ethics, and Education Fall
EDUC 220 - Methods of Teaching English Learners Fall
EDUC 230 - *Educational Psychology Fall
EDUC 260 - Theories of Coaching Fall
EDUC 270 - Literature for Children and Adolescents Odd Fall
EDUC 280 - Language Acquisition and Emergent Literacy Spring
EDUC 298 - Field Experience Spring
EDUC 300 - Techniques of Teaching Spring
EDUC 302 - Teaching Skills Fall
EDUC 311 - Classroom and Behavior Management Techniques Fall
EDUC 322 - Educational Measurement and Assessment Fall
EDUC 326 - Middle School Methods Fall
EDUC 331 - Teaching Reading Fall
EDUC 335 - Teaching Creative Arts and Movement to Children Spring
EDUC 337 - Teaching Language Arts in Middle and Elementary Schools Spring
EDUC 338 - Teaching Reading in the Content Areas Fall
EDUC 345 - Teaching Art K - 12 Spring
EDUC 346 - Teaching Music K - 12 Fall
EDUC 347 - Teaching Middle School and Secondary Music Spring
EDUC 352 - Teaching Science to Elementary Children Spring
EDUC 354 - Teaching Social Studies to Elementary Children Fall
EDUC 358 - Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School Fall
EDUC 360 - Teaching Mathematics in Middle and Secondary School Spring
EDUC 362 - Teaching Middle and Secondary Social Studies Spring
EDUC 365 - Teaching Middle and Secondary Science Spring
EDUC 367 - Teaching Middle School and Secondary English Spring
EDUC 368 - Teaching Speech and Theater in Middle and Secondary Schools Spring
EDUC 369 - Teaching Business Education Spring
EDUC 370 - Implementing Vocational Business Education Programs Fall
EDUC 371 - Coordination of Cooperative Education Fall
EDUC 373 - Teaching Writing to Secondary Students Spring
EDUC 375 - Advanced Content Methods Spring
EDUC 376 - Adolescent Literacy Even Fall
EDUC 380 - Diagnostic and Corrective Reading Spring
EDUC 390 - Education and Psychology of the Exceptional Child Spring
EDUC 391 - *Child Psychology Fall
EDUC 392 - *Adolescent Psychology Spring
EDUC 395 - Extended Field Experience Fall and Spring
EDUC 396 - *Child and Adolescent Development Fall and Spring
EDUC 398 - Daystar Field Experience III Fall
EDUC 400 - Senior Seminar Late Fall, Late Spring, Early Summer
EDUC 425 - Undergraduate Student Teaching Fall and Spring

English (ENGL)

ENGL 107 - Preparatory English Composition Fall and Spring
ENGL 133W - First-Year Writing Seminar Fall and Spring
ENGL 204W - Technical Writing Occasional
ENGL 207W - Introduction to Creative Writing - Multigenre Fall and Spring
ENGL 210W - Introduction to Fiction Occasional
ENGL 211W - Introduction to Poetry Occasional
ENGL 212W - Introduction to Drama Occasional
ENGL 213W - Introducation to Literary Nonfiction Occasional
ENGL 220 - Writing about Literature Spring
ENGL 231W - British Literature I Even Fall
ENGL 232W - British Literature II Odd Spring
ENGL 237W - Writing Right and Wrong: Ethical Issues in Literature Occasional
ENGL 241W - American Literature I Odd Fall
ENGL 242W - American Literature II Even Spring
ENGL 255W - Women and Literature Occasional
ENGL 263W - World Literature I Occasional
ENGL 264W - World Literature II Occasional
ENGL 267W - *Literature and Ecological Balance Occasional
ENGL 311 - Descriptive Grammar of the English Language Odd Fall
ENGL 312 - History of the English Language Even Spring
ENGL 313 - Intermediate Creative Writing I - Fiction Fall 2021
ENGL 314 - Intermediate Creative Writing II - Creative Nonfiction Spring 2022
ENGL 315 - Intermediate Creative Writing III - Poetry Fall 2022
ENGL 350 - Major Literary Figures Occasional
ENGL 351 - Readings in Shakespeare Occasional
ENGL 360 - Readings in Fiction Occasional
ENGL 361 - Readings in Poetry Occasional
ENGL 362 - Readings in Drama Occasional
ENGL 370 - Major Literary Periods Occasional
ENGL 371 - Ethnic Traditions in American Literature Occasional
ENGL 399 - English Internship Fall and Spring
ENGL 408 - Advanced Creative Writing Spring
ENGL 425 - Literary Theory and Criticism Fall
ENGL 431 - Senior Seminar Spring
ENGL 499 - Advanced English Internship Fall and Spring

Environmental Studies (ENVS)

ENVS 105 - *Essentials of Science Fall and Spring
ENVS 115 - *Introduction to Environmental Science Spring
ENVS 220 - *Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences Occasional
ENVS 222 - *Conservation Biology Odd Fall
ENVS 223 - *Environmental Disasters Occasional
ENVS 230 - *Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Even Spring
ENVS 251 - *Resource Management Even Fall
ENVS 254 - *Genetics Fall
ENVS 267W - *Literature and Ecological Balance Occasional
ENVS 300 - *Evolution Odd Fall
ENVS 312 - *Environmental Politics Occasional
ENVS 319 - *Soils Odd Spring
ENVS 320 - *Ecology Even Spring
ENVS 332 - *Environmental Ethics Occasional
ENVS 338 - Forestry Even Spring
ENVS 350 - Field and Laboratory Techniques in Environmental Science Odd Spring
ENVS 352W - *American Environmental History Occasional
ENVS 353 - *Zoology Odd Fall
ENVS 390 - Environmental Studies Project Fall and Spring
ENVS 395 - *Research Design in the Sciences Fall and Spring
ENVS 399 - *Science Internship Fall and Spring
ENVS 490 - *Senior Seminar Fall and Spring
ENVS 499 - *Advanced Science Internship Fall and Spring
ENVS 115L - *Introduction to Environmental Science Lab Spring
ENVS 254L - *Genetics Laboratory Fall
ENVS 230L - *Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Lab Even Spring
ENVS 320L - *Ecology Laboratory Even Spring

Finance (FINC)

FINC 298 - Personal Financial Planning Spring
FINC 350 - Business Finance Fall and Spring
FINC 354 - Investments Fall
FINC 361 - Small Business Finance Occasional
FINC 395 - *Financial Markets and Institutions Fall
FINC 396 - Corporate Finance Spring
FINC 397 - Principles of Real Estate Spring
FINC 399 - Internship: Finance Fall and Spring
FINC 410 - Sports Finance Odd Spring
FINC 495 - *International Finance Even Spring
FINC 496 - Advanced Financial Management Spring
FINC 498 - Comprehensive Financial Planning Spring
FINC 499 - Internship: Finance Fall and Spring

French (FREN)

FREN 101 - Elementary French I Fall
FREN 102 - Elementary French II Spring
FREN 103 - Intermediate French I Occasional
FREN 104 - Intermediate French II Occasional

Forensic Science (FRSC)

FRSC 100 - Reasoing in Forensic Science Fall
FRSC 210 - Introduction to Forensic Science Fall
FRSC 305 - Forensic Anthropology Occasional
FRSC 310 - Professional Issues in Forensic Science Spring
FRSC 315 - Forensic Microscopy Occasional
FRSC 327 - Fingerprint Evidence Fall
FRSC 406 - Expert and Scientific Evidence Fall
FRSC 415 - Forensic Biology Occasional
FRSC 425 - *Forensic Chemistry I Odd Fall
FRSC 430 - Physical and Chemical Methods in Forensic Science Even Fall
FRSC 445 - Forensic Pathology Occasional
FRSC 475 - Senior Seminar in Forensic Science Spring
FRSC 335L - Criminalistics Laboratory Occasional
FRSC 425L - *Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory Odd Fall
FRSC 430L - Physical and Chemical Methods in Forensic Science Laboratory Even Fall

Geography  (GEOG)

GEOG 101 - *Introduction to Geography Fall and Spring
GEOG 220 - *Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences Odd Spring
GEOG 223 - *Environmental Disasters Occasional
GEOG 251 - *Resource Management Even Fall

Geology  (GEOL)

GEOL 110 - Introduction to Physical Geology Even Fall
GEOL 110L - Introduction to Physical Geology Laboratory Even Fall

History  (HIST)

HIST 111 - World History to 1500 Fall
HIST 112 - World History Since 1500 Spring
HIST 121 - American History to 1877 Fall and Spring
HIST 122 - American History Since 1877 Fall and Spring
HIST 294 - Introduction to the Historian’s Craft Fall
HIST 303W - *Science, Technology, and Humanity: A History Even Fall
HIST 304W - History of Latin America Occasional
HIST 318W - The U.S. and the Vietnam War Occasional
HIST 319W - *History of the Modern Middle East Occasional
HIST 322W - *Women and Gender in World History Occasional
HIST 329 - Warfare, Witches, and Life in Early Modern Europe, 1550-1700 Occasional
HIST 300W - The World since 1945 Occasional
HIST 330W - The Struggle for Modern Europe Odd Spring
HIST 332W - Two European Renaissances, 1095-1527 Occasional
HIST 334W - The European Enlightenment Occasional
HIST 337W - Europe, Fascism, and the Holocaust Even Spring
HIST 342W - American Civil War Odd Spring
HIST 347W - World War I Occasional
HIST 348W - World War II Occasional
HIST 350W - American Revolution Even Spring
HIST 352W - *American Environmental History Occasional
HIST 353W - Missouri History Occasional
HIST 358 - The Making of Modern Britain Occasional
HIST 360W - The History of Immigration in the United States Even Fall
HIST 370W - American Military History Even Fall
HIST 371W - *History of American Business Occasional
HIST 372W - Native American History Odd Fall
HIST 373W - *Women and Gender in American History Odd Spring
HIST 374W - African American History Odd Fall
HIST 399 - History Internship Fall and Spring
HIST 494 - Senior Seminar in History Spring
HIST 499 - Advanced History Internship Fall and Spring

Honors  (HNRS)

HNRS 310 - Honors Service Fall and Spring
HNRS 340 - Schiffman Ethics in Society Lecture Spring
HNRS 350 - Topics Fall and Spring

Human Services (HUMS)

HUMS 105 - Introduction to Human Services Fall
HUMS 300 - Exploring Research Even Fall
HUMS 305 - Foundations of Counseling Even Spring
HUMS 310 - Military Case Work Odd Fall
HUMS 325 - Case Management Odd Spring
HUMS 330 - Ethics in the Human Services Profession Spring
HUMS 335 - Working with Groups Even Fall
HUMS 340 - Working with Families Odd Fall
HUMS 345 - Working with Communities and Organizations Odd Spring
HUMS 350 - *Social Gerontology Even Spring
HUMS 365 - *American Social Policy Spring
HUMS 375 - Disabilities Fall
HUMS 380 - Addiction Even Fall
HUMS 385 - Mental Health Even Spring
HUMS 390 - Child Welfare Odd Fall
HUMS 495 - Senior Seminar Spring
HUMS 499 - Internship Fall and Spring

Japanese  (JAPA)

JAPA 101 - Beginning Japanese I Fall
JAPA 102 - Beginning Japanese II Spring
JAPA 103 - Intermediate Japanese I Occasional
JAPA 104 - Intermediate Japanese II Occasional

Leadership (LEAD)

LEAD 499 - Applied Leadership Internship Fall and Spring

Legal Studies (LGST)

LGST 301 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Occasional

Mathematics (MATH)

MATH 102 - Mathematics for the Elementary School Teacher Spring
MATH 104 - Beginning Algebra Fall and Spring
MATH 106 - Intermediate Algebra Fall and Spring
MATH 110 - Quantitative Reasoning Fall and Spring
MATH 150 - College Algebra Fall and Spring
MATH 155 - *Algebraic Reasoning for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Odd Fall
MATH 165 - *Geometric Reasoning for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Even Fall
MATH 170 - Finite Mathematics Fall and Spring
MATH 180 - Precalculus Fall and Spring
MATH 201 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I Fall and Spring
MATH 222 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II Fall and Spring
MATH 225 - Discrete Mathematics I Fall
MATH 250 - Statistics I Fall and Spring
MATH 251 - Statistics II Occasional
MATH 300 - Multivariate Calculus Even Fall
MATH 303 - Linear Algebra Odd Fall
MATH 304 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra Even Spring
MATH 305 - Number Theory Even Fall
MATH 325 - Discrete Mathematics II Spring
MATH 330 - History of Mathematics Odd Fall
MATH 331 - Foundations of Geometry Odd Spring
MATH 338 - Mathematical Statistics and Probability Odd Spring
MATH 340 - Introduction to Probability Theory Occasional
MATH 362 - *Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation Even Fall
MATH 370 - Differential Equations Odd Spring
MATH 371 - Introduction to Complex Variables Even Spring
MATH 380 - Advanced Calculus Odd Spring
MATH 399 - Math Teaching Internship Fall and Spring
MATH 451 - *Introduction to Cryptography and Computer Security Odd Spring
MATH 493 - Senior Seminar in Mathematics for Teachers Fall and Spring
MATH 494 - Senior Seminar in Mathematics Fall and Spring

Management (MGMT)

MGMT 150 - Introduction to Business Fall and Spring
MGMT 230 - Principles of Management Fall and Spring
MGMT 254W - Business Communication Fall and Spring
MGMT 261 - Introduction to Human Resource Management Fall and Spring
MGMT 265 - Business Law I Fall and Spring
MGMT 278 - *Introductory Business Analytics Fall and Spring
MGMT 311 - *Public Administration and Policy Occasional
MGMT 338 - International Business Fall and Spring
MGMT 339 - Diversity in Organizations Fall
MGMT 341 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship Fall
MGMT 345 - Intrapreneurship: Corporate Entrepreneurship Spring
MGMT 348 - International Business Law Occasional
MGMT 360 - Organizational Theory Occasional
MGMT 364 - Recruitment, Staffing, and Performance Mangement Occasional
MGMT 362 - Organizational Behavior Spring
MGMT 365 - Compensation and Benefits Occasional
MGMT 368W - Business Ethics Fall and Spring
MGMT 371W - *History of American Business Occasional
MGMT 372 - Crisis Management Spring
MGMT 375 - Labor Relations Occasional
MGMT 393 - Business Information Systems Fall and Spring
MGMT 385 - Business Project Management Fall
MGMT 399 - Internship: Management Fall and Spring
MGMT 422 - Small Business Management Spring
MGMT 430 - Management Science Fall and Spring
MGMT 461 - Training and Development Occasional
MGMT 479 - Strategic Management Fall and Spring
MGMT 490 - Strategic Human Resource Management Spring
MGMT 499 - Internship: Management Fall and Spring

Marketing (MKTG)

MKTG 210 - Principles of Marketing Fall and Spring
MKTG 331 - Consumer Behavior Fall 
MKTG 332 - Public Relations Fall
MKTG 335 - Advertising and Sales Promotion Spring
MKTG 352 - Strategic Sales and Customer Experience Management Occasional
MKTG 354 - Public Relations Writing Occasional
MKTG 360 - Digital Marketing Fall
MKTG 370 - Social Media Spring
MKTG 378 - Marketing Communication Practicum Fall
MKTG 399 - Internship: Marketing Fall and Spring
MKTG 410 - Global Marketing Even Spring
MKTG 441 - Marketing Research and Analytics Spring
MKTG 460 - Public Relations Campaigns Occasional
MKTG 478 - Strategic Marketing Spring
MKTG 480 - Sports and Event Marketing Fall
MKTG 499 - Internship: Marketing Fall and Spring

Music (MUSI)

MUSI 101 - Music Seminar Fall and Spring
MUSI 120 - Music and the Human Experience Fall and Spring
MUSI 134 - Music Theory I Fall
MUSI 135 - Aural Skills I Fall
MUSI 160 - Jane Froman Singers Fall and Spring
MUSI 170 - Show Choir Fall
MUSI 171 - Applied Lessons Piano Fall and Spring
MUSI 172 - Applied Lessons Piano Fall and Spring
MUSI 180 - Chamber Choir Fall
MUSI 181 - Applied Lessons I - Voice Fall and Spring
MUSI 183 - Musical Theater/Opera Workshop Odd Spring
MUSI 185 - Applied Lessons I - Voice for Non-music Majors Fall and Spring
MUSI 220 - Exploring the Music of World Cultures Occasional
MUSI 223 - Music History I Fall
MUSI 236 - Music Theory II Spring
MUSI 237 - Aural Skills II Spring
MUSI 273 - Applied Lessons Piano Fall and Spring
MUSI 274 - Applied Lessons Piano Fall and Spring
MUSI 280 - Applied Lessons II - Voice for Non-music Majors Fall and Spring
MUSI 282 - Applied Lessons II - Voice Fall and Spring
MUSI 300 - Diction for Singers Fall
MUSI 323 - Music of the United States Odd Spring
MUSI 326 - Music History II Spring
MUSI 338 - Music Theory III Fall
MUSI 339 - Aural Skills III Fall
MUSI 351 - Choral Arranging Spring
MUSI 352 - Introduction to Vocal and Choral Literature Even Fall
MUSI 353 - Basic Conducting Even Fall
MUSI 354 - Choral Rehearsal Techniques Even Spring
MUSI 355 - Advanced Conducting Odd Spring
MUSI 360 - Jane Froman Singers Fall and Spring
MUSI 370 - Show Choir Fall
MUSI 380 - Chamber Choir Spring
MUSI 383 - Opera/Musical Theatre Workshop Even Spring
MUSI 384 - Applied Lessons III - Voice Fall and Spring
MUSI 400 - Recital Fall and Spring
MUSI 440 - Music Theory IV Spring
MUSI 441 - Aural Skills IV Spring
MUSI 484 - Applied Lessons IV - Voice Fall and Spring
MUSI 490 - Recital Fall and Spring

Nursing (NURS)

NURS 208 - Nursing Fundamentals BSN - Fall
NURS 209 - Introduction to Nursing ASN - Early Fall, Early Spring, Early Summer
NURS 210 - Fundamentals of Nursing ASN- Late Fall and Late Spring
NURS 211 - Mental Health Nursing

ASN - Early Fall and Early Spring

BSN - Fall

NURS 212 - Pharmacology for Nursing ASN - Early Spring, Early Summer. BSN - Spring
NURS 300 - Foundations of Professional Nursing

ASN - Late Summer and Late Spring

BSN - Spring

NURS 301 - Medical Surgical Nursing I

ASN - Early Fall and Early Summer

BSN - Fall

NURS 302 - Medical Surgical Nursing II

ASN -  Late Fall and Late Summer 

BSN - Fall, Spring

NURS 303 - Women’s and Infant’s Health

ASN - Late Fall and Late Spring

BSN - Fall

NURS 310 - Professional Nursing Practice BSN - Fall
NURS 311 - Pathophysiology BSN - Spring
NURS 312 - Principles and Applications of Human Nutrition BSN - Fall
NURS 314 - Health Assessment in Nursing Practice BSN - Spring
NURS 409W - Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice BSN - Spring
NURS 413W - Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice BSN - Spring
NURS 450 - Nursing in the Community BSN - Spring
NURS 490 - Senior Nursing Practicum BSN - Spring
NURS 491 - NCLEX-RN Review

ASN - Fall, Spring

BSN - Spring

Public Administration (PADM)

PADM 311 - *Public Administration and Policy Occasional
PADM 315 - *American Public Policy Even Spring
PADM 330 - Public Human Resources Administration Occasional
PADM 335 - Methods of Public Decision Making Occasional
PADM 340 - Values and Ethics in Public Administration Occasional
PADM 395 - *Political Science and Public Administration Research Methods Odd Fall
PADM 399 - Public Administration Internship Fall and Spring
PADM 495 - *Senior Seminar in Political Science and Public Administration Spring

Philosophy (PHIL)

PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy Fall and Spring
PHIL 202 - *Asian Philosophy and Religion Occasional
PHIL 210 - Logic and Critical Thinking Occasional
PHIL 310 - Symbolic Logic Occasional
PHIL 321 - Ancient Philosophy Occasional
PHIL 322 - Modern Philosophy Occasional
PHIL 323 - Marx and Marxism Occasional
PHIL 330 - Ethics Fall and Spring
PHIL 332 - *Environmental Ethics Occasional
PHIL 340 - *Philosophy of Revolution Occasional
PHIL 350 - *Philosophy of Religion Occasional
PHIL 360 - Just War Philosophy Occasional
PHIL 358 - Existentialism Occasional
PHIL 390 - *The Buddha and Buddhism Occasional
PHIL 401 - Significant Philosophers Occasional
PHIL 402 - *Classical Political Philosophy Even Fall
PHIL 403 - *Modern Political Philosophy Odd Spring
PHIL 430 - *Philosophy of Law Occasional
PHIL 460 - Biomedical Ethics Spring
PHIL 490 - Thematic Seminar in Philosophy Spring

Physics (PHYS)

PHYS 108 - *Physical Science Survey Occasional
PHYS 111 - College Physics I Fall
PHYS 112 - College Physics II Spring
PHYS 211 - Calculus-Based Physics I Occasional
PHYS 212 - Calculus-Based Physics II Occasional
PHYS 401 - *Introduction to Physical Chemistry/Chemistry Physics Spring
PHYS 108L - *Physical Science Survey Laboratory Odd Fall
PHYS 111L - Physics I Laboratory Occasional
PHYS 112L - Physics II Laboratory Spring

Political Science (POSC)

POSC 111 - American National Government Fall and Spring
POSC 215 - State and Local Government Odd Fall
POSC 233 - *Topics: Mock Trial Fall and Spring
POSC 280 - *American Political and Social Thought Occasional
POSC 292 - International Relations Spring
POSC 311 - *Public Administration and Policy Occasional
POSC 312 - *Environmental Politics Occasional
POSC 315 - *American Public Policy Even Spring
POSC 317 - Politics of Russia and Eurasia Occasional
POSC 321 - Politics of Developing Nations Odd Fall
POSC 326 - International Law and Organizations Odd Spring
POSC 330 - Media and Politics Odd Fall
POSC 331 - European Politics Even Spring
POSC 332 - The American Presidency Even Spring
POSC 333 - *Topics: Mock Trial Fall and Spring
POSC 333 - *Topics: Model United Nations Spring
POSC 340 - Judicial Process Odd Spring
POSC 350 - Legislative Process Odd Spring
POSC 353 - Asian Politics Even Fall
POSC 360 - U.S. Foreign Policy Even Spring
POSC 361 - American Political Parties Even Fall
POSC 370 - *Dynamics of Terrorism Even Fall
POSC 395 - *Political Science and Public Administration Research Methods Odd Fall
POSC 399 - Political Science Internship Fall and Spring
POSC 402 - *Classical Political Philosophy Even Fall
POSC 403 - *Modern Political Philosophy Odd Spring
POSC 430 - *Philosophy of Law Occasional
POSC 440 - Constitutional Law Odd Fall
POSC 495 - *Senior Seminar in Political Science and Public Administration Spring
POSC 499 - Advanced Political Science Internship Fall and Spring

Psychology (PSYC)

PSYC 101 - General Psychology Fall and Spring
PSYC 175 - *Introduction to Theory Based Research and Writing Fall and Spring
PSYC 220 - Cognitive Psychology Fall
PSYC 224 - *Statistics for the Behavioral and Natural Sciences Fall and Spring
PSYC 225 - *Quantitative Research Methods Fall
PSYC 230 - *Educational Psychology Fall
PSYC 235 - *Social Psychology Spring
PSYC 240 - Experimental Psychology Odd Fall
PSYC 260 - Introduction to Applied Psychology Odd Spring
PSYC 270 - Psychology of Emotion Occasional
PSYC 280 - Psychology of Sport Occasional
PSYC 304 - Personality Theory Odd Fall
PSYC 309 - *Animal Behavior Occasional
PSYC 320 - Psychological Testing and Measurement Odd Spring
PSYC 327 - *Qualitative Research Methods Odd Spring
PSYC 330 - Lifespan Developmental Psychology Fall
PSYC 336 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology Occasional
PSYC 340 - *Ethics and Social Responsibility Fall
PSYC 371 - *Neuroscience Even Spring
PSYC 372 - *Sensation and Perception Odd Spring
PSYC 381 - History and Systems of Psychology Fall
PSYC 385 - *Human Sexuality Fall
PSYC 391 - *Child Psychology Occasional
PSYC 392 - *Adolescent Psychology Occasional
PSYC 395 - Adult Psychology Occasional
PSYC 396 - *Child and Adolescent Development Fall and Spring
PSYC 399 - Psychology Internship Fall and Spring
PSYC 410 - Learning Theories Even Fall
PSYC 450 - Abnormal Psychology Fall
PSYC 460 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology Spring
PSYC 472 - *Psychopharmacology Even Fall
PSYC 480 - Group Process Even Spring
PSYC 495W - Integrative Psychology Spring
PSYC 499 - Advanced Psychology Internship Fall and Spring

Religious Studies (RELI)

RELI 101 - Religion and Human Experience Fall and Spring
RELI 124 - The Bible as Literature Occasional
RELI 201 - Religious Classic Texts Occasional
RELI 202 - *Asian Philosophy and Religion Occasional
RELI 350 - *Philosophy of Religion Occasional
RELI 382W - *Christianity in the Modern World Odd Spring
RELI 390 - *The Buddha and Buddhism Occasional
RELI 400 - Religion and Science Occasional
RELI 490 - Thematic Seminar in Philosophy and Religious Studies Occasional

Sociology (SOCI)

SOCI 101 - Social Justice Fall
SOCI 111 - General Sociology Fall and Spring
SOCI 112 - *General Anthropology Fall and Spring
SOCI 175 - *Introduction to Theory Based Research and Writing Fall and Spring
SOCI 210 - *The Sociology of Gender Spring
SOCI 212 - *Cultures in the World Even Spring
SOCI 214 - Family Occasional
SOCI 216 - American Social Problems Odd Fall
SOCI 218 - Social Deviance Even Spring
SOCI 224 - *Statistics for the Behavioral and Natural Sciences Fall and Spring
SOCI 225 - *Quantitative Research Methods Fall
SOCI 230 - Sports and Society Occasional
SOCI 235 - *Social Psychology Spring
SOCI 270 - *Minority Cultures and Relations Fall and Spring
SOCI 310 - *Women and Society Even Spring
SOCI 321 - Criminology Fall
SOCI 327 - *Qualitative Research Methods Odd Spring
SOCI 331 - Juvenile Delinquency Spring
SOCI 336 - *Gender and Globalization Even Fall
SOCI 340 - *Ethics and Social Responsibility Fall
SOCI 341 - *Religion and Society Odd Fall
SOCI 345 - *Environment and Society Even Spring
SOCI 350 - *Social Gerontology Even Fall
SOCI 365 - *American Social Policy Spring
SOCI 375 - *Social Movements Occasional
SOCI 380 - Mass Media and Society Even Fall
SOCI 381 - *Music and Society Even Fall
SOCI 385 - *Human Sexuality Fall
SOCI 388W - *Fashion and Society Odd Spring
SOCI 401 - The City Occasional
SOCI 412 - *Slavery and Human Trafficking: Past and Present Odd Spring
SOCI 421 - Class, Status and Power Occasional
SOCI 460 - Classical Social Theory Odd Fall
SOCI 470 - Contemporary Social Theory Even Spring
SOCI 485 - *Feminist Theory and Methodology Occasional
SOCI 495 - Integrative Seminar Spring
SOCI 499 - Internship Fall and Spring

Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I Fall
SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II Spring
SPAN 103 - Elementary Spanish III Occasional
SPAN 104 - Elementary Spanish IV Occasional
SPAN 110 - Spanish for Medical Personnel Occasional
SPAN 111 - Spanish for Law Enforcement Personnel Occasional
SPAN 112 - Spanish for Social-Service Workers Occasional
SPAN 203 - Spanish Coversation I Occasional
SPAN 204 - Spanish Composition/Conversation and Culture Occasional
SPAN 306 - Commercial Spanish Occasional

Women’s Studies (WMST)

WMST 210 - *The Sociology of Gender Spring
WMST 310 - *Women and Society Even Spring
WMST 322W - *Women and Gender in World History Occasional
WMST 336 - *Gender and Globalization Even Fall
WMST 343W - *Gender Communication Even Spring
WMST 373W - *Women and Gender in American History Odd Spring
WMST 388W - *Fashion and Society Odd Spring
WMST 485 - *Feminist Theory and Methodology Occasional