Graduation Requirements and Process
In order to complete a graduate level degree with Columbia College you must:
- Successfully complete 36 semester hours of course work as specified by the degree being pursued. Twenty-seven of these hours must be with Columbia College
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher
- Complete a Declaration of Candidacy (DEC) form
Candidacy for Degree
Declaration of candidacy for degree must occur no later than one session prior to the last session of enrollment. File the form by the early spring if you anticipate an October or December degree completion date. File the form by early Fall if you anticipate a March, May or July degree completion date.
The Declaration of Candidacy for Degree form is available via CougarTrack, under the “Academics” drop-down menu, in the top links section of the page. The form cannot be filled out earlier than one year prior to your anticipated degree completion term. The graduation processing fee will be automatically charged to your account.
Responsibility for understanding and meeting graduation requirements rests entirely with the student.
Filing the Declaration of Candidacy for Degree form indicates anticipated degree completion. It does not confirm participation in a commencement ceremony. Ceremony participation is a separate process that also occurs via CougarTrack. The Application for Commencement Ceremony form is also located in the “Academics” drop-down menu. Deadline to sign up to participate in the December Commencement Ceremony is in mid-October. The deadline to sign up to participate in a May Commencement Ceremony is in mid-March. Failure to sign up for participation by the deadline date results in a later commencement opportunity.
AHE Commencement
Columbia College holds 28 commencement ceremonies throughout the year, including two at the main campus in Columbia, Missouri. Students are eligible to participate in any of the commencement ceremonies regardless of location of attendance. Students should review the website to find the ceremony dates as well as information needed to sign up to participate.
While not all students are able to participate in a physical commencement ceremony everyone is able to participate in Columbia College’s Virtual Commencement ceremony.
The virtual commencement website allows graduates and their family and friends, who may have been unable to attend a ceremony, the opportunity to share in this momentous event.
The virtual commencement ceremony contains a message from the President of Columbia College, the President of the Alumni Association, a Commencement Address, reading of graduate names and a view of a diploma for each. In addition, guests can view graduate profiles and sign the guestbook to offer congratulations.
Main Campus Commencement
Students who complete their degrees in March and May are eligible to participate in the May commencement ceremonies of the same year. July graduates who request to participate in the May ceremony of the same year are allowed to do so without appeal (see below).
Students who complete their degrees in October and December are eligible to participate in the December commencement ceremony of the same year. March graduates who request to participate in the preceding year’s December ceremony are allowed to do so without appeal (see detailed information below). July graduates who request to participate in the December Ceremony of the same year are allowed to do so without appeal (see detailed information below).
Students with degree completion dates other than those listed must appeal to participate in a different ceremony. Students who request to participate after the deadline date must appeal. Appeals are filed in the Office of the Registrar and coordinated with the Dean for Academic Affairs.
While not all students are able to participate in a physical commencement ceremony, everyone is able to participate in Columbia College’s Virtual Commencement ceremony. The virtual commencement website allows graduates and their family and friends, who may have been unable to attend a ceremony, the opportunity to share in this momentous event.
The virtual commencement ceremony contains a message from the President of Columbia College, the President of the Alumni Association, a Commencement Address, reading of graduate names and a view of a diploma for each. In addition, guests can view graduate profiles and sign the guestbook to offer congratulations.
Guidelines for July Graduates to Participate in the May Commencement Ceremony:
To be eligible to participate in the preceding May Commencement Ceremony, students with a July degree completion date must file a Declaration of Candidacy for Degree form prior to the May ceremony participation deadline. A degree audit will determine eligibility. Students who are not cleared for a July degree completion date will not be eligible for participation in the May ceremony. They will default to a later date as well as a later commencement opportunity. Any exceptions will be via written appeal, submitted to the Office of the Registrar and coordinated with the Dean for Academic Affairs.
July graduates who do not participate in a preceding May ceremony are eligible to participate in the following December ceremony. Graduates must contact the Office of the Registrar in October to sign up for participation.
Guidelines for March Graduates to Participate in the December Commencement Ceremony:
To be eligible to participate in the preceding December Commencement Ceremony, students anticipating a March degree completion date must file a Declaration of Candidacy for Degree form prior to the December ceremony participation deadline. A degree audit will determine eligibility. Students who are not cleared for a March degree completion will not be eligible for participation in the December ceremony. They will default to a later degree completion date as well as a later commencement opportunity. Any exceptions will be via written appeal, submitted to the Office of the Registrar and coordinated with the Dean for Academic Affairs.
March graduates who do not participate in a preceding December ceremony are eligible to participate in the following May ceremony. Graduates must contact the Office of the Registrar in February to sign up for participation.