Feb 19, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026 
Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026

Academic and Administrative Policies, Regulations and Procedures

Advising and Registration  

Academic Load, Advising, Cooperative Cross-Enrollment, Course Prerequisites, Curriculum Requirements, Directed Study, Internships, Overload, Registration Policies

2025 - 2026 Academic Calendars   

Academic dates specific to each term

Academic Program Information  

Academic Departments, Associate Degree Requirements, Baccalaureate Degree Requirements, Changing Campus Location, Declaration of Major, Double Major, Dual Degrees, Foreign Language Requirement, General Education Requirements, General Education Goals and Outcomes

Academic Honors  

Dean’s Academic Achievement Award, Dean’s List, Graduation Honors, The Presidential Award, Awards Convocation, Baccalaureate Degrees with Distinction, The Presidential Honorarium for Academic Excellence

Evaluation of Credit and Testing  

Articulation Agreements, Award for Credit Restrictions, Credit for Prior Learning, Exams, General Education Alternate Associate Transfer Policy, General Education Waiver Policy, Institutional Credit, International Baccalaureate, Military Credit, Professional Designations

Grading and Academic Standing  

Assessment, Attendance and Lack of Effort Policies, Classification, Change of Grade, Course Audit, Final Examination Policy, Good Academic Standing, Grade Point Average, Grades and Notations, Grading System, Grade Appeal, Pass/Fail, Incomplete Coursework, Probation, Suspension, Dismissal and Readmisson, Repeating a Course, Withdrawal

Degree Completion and Commencement  

Catalog Changes and Time Limit for Completing Degree, Candidacy for Degree, Columbia College Global Commencement Ceremonies, Main Campus Commencement Ceremony Participation

Online Courses and Scheduling Options  

Academics, Course Format, Course Schedule


Student’s Right to Privacy, Disclosure of Education Records, Release of Directory Information

Student Academic Record

It is imperative for daily operations the College maintain accurate contact information on all students. It is the responsibility of the student to notify a college official by submission of the Columbia College Change of Address Form regarding any discrepancies or changes to contact information. This includes preferred mailing address and any and all telephone numbers. Students may also update contact information in MyPortal.

The College maintains permanent records showing the progress of each student. Student records indicate the rates at which the student is progressing, final grades in each subject for each semester or session, withdrawals from courses, and re-enrollments in subjects from which the student had previously withdrawn.

The College maintains records through the last date of attendance or the effective date of their unofficial withdrawal.

Columbia College transcripts of permanent student records are confidential and cannot be released to anyone, except Columbia College instructors and officials, without written permission from the student. Columbia College accepts transcript requests via mail, fax, or in person. All requests must include the signature of the student whose record is being released. Payments may be made by cash, check, money order, or credit card. The transcript fee is $10 per transcript (fee subject to change without notice).

Requests must include the student’s full name, maiden or former name if applicable, dates of attendance, ID or SSN, birth date, the student’s current address and phone number, the address where the transcript should be sent, the number of copies to be issued and the payment. Transcript Request Forms are available on the Columbia College website.