Feb 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015 
Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Policies

Policies Pertaining to All Venues

Policies Pertaining to Main Campus Day

Policies Pertaining to Main Campus Evening

Policies Pertaining to Nationwide and Online Campuses

Columbia College enrolls students who have both the desire and ability to succeed in a rigorous teaching and learning environment. The College invites applications from students who have demonstrated that they are likely to complete the College’s broad-based general education curriculum and to master an undergraduate major. Many factors are considered in the admission decision but previous academic achievement is the best predictor of success at Columbia College. The Admissions Review Committee reserves the right to review any application for admission. Any application not meeting minimum admissions requirements will be reviewed by the Admissions Review Committee. The Committee will determine admission eligibility.

The moderately-selective requirements for admission to the Day and Evening Programs on the main campus are not applicable to the Columbia College Adult Higher Education (AHE) campuses. Students seeking to enroll should apply for admission at the respective location or apply online at www.ccis.edu/apply/. See Campus Maps for a map of the Nationwide Campuses.

Columbia College reserves the right to randomly check any and all applications for a criminal history. Applicants with a felony or misdemeanor conviction must provide details regarding the crime(s).

Student Authentication

All Columbia College students are required to authenticate their identity prior to registering for their first course. A student with access to a Columbia College campus may show a government-issued photo identification to a college staff member in order to authenticate their identity. Students who are not located near a campus will be required to authenticate their identity using a service provided by ProctorU, which has been established for online students or others, as designated by the college, to be able to authenticate their identity online. There is no charge to the student for authenticating through ProctorU. At the time of authentication, the student will need to have access to a webcam and be prepared to provide their student ID number, college email address and government issued photo ID.

Admissions Deadline

Domestic applicants must submit completed applications no later than two weeks from the start of the semester or session to which they are applying. Students who miss this recommended deadline may be required to apply as Non-Degree Seeking status or postpone enrollment until a later term. International applicants must apply no later than four weeks from the start of the Day Campus fall semester, and no later than five weeks from the start of the Day Campus spring semester. Application deadlines will be firmly adhered to for all applicants regardless of status: full-time, part-time or non-degree seeking.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

The non-degree seeking status is designed for part-time students who do not seek an academic degree at Columbia College. Students who wish to apply for non-degree seeking status must complete the non-degree seeking application for admission and submit it with the $35 one-time, non-refundable application fee. Admission decisions are made on a rolling basis until one week prior to the start of the semester or session. Enrollment as a non-degree seeking student neither guarantees automatic admission to degree-seeking status, nor does it necessarily impact an admission decision.

Applicants must submit completed applications no later than two weeks from the start of the semester, or one week from the start of the session, to which they are applying. Application deadlines will be firmly adhered to regardless of status: full-time, part-time or non-degree seeking. Acceptance as a non-degree seeking student is not automatic. Students must be in good academic standing with Columbia College or any other institutions attended.

Non-degree seeking students are required to remain in good academic standing (not on academic or disciplinary probation). Non-degree seeking students who do not enroll in one or more semesters (Main Campus Day) or five consecutive sessions (Main Campus Evening and AHE), must reapply for admission. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. Students enrolling at Columbia College under this status may be considered for degree-seeking status in a subsequent term by completing the regular application process.

Non-degree seeking international students must show proof of English proficiency: minimum TOEFL score of 500 paper-based, 173 computer-based or 61 internet-based; an APIEL score of 3 or higher; completion of an advanced proficiency level in an accredited English as a Second Language (ESL) program; completion of a course equivalent to English Composition I with a grade of C or higher. Additionally, international students must submit a copy of a valid passport, visa, I-94 departure record and most recent I-20, if currently enrolled at another institution.

Enrollment for non-degree seeking students is on a space-available basis only. Course selections may be limited. Main Campus Evening students under this status are not required to meet with an advisor. Main Campus Day students under this status must be cleared for enrollment through the Admissions Office. Non-degree seeking students must provide proof that course prerequisites have been met. Classification (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior) will be determined only by the credits students have completed at Columbia College.

Day students only:

  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and also have a 2.0 or higher GPA for the most recent semester completed
  • Students who are on suspension from another institution are recommended to wait one semester before applying to Columbia College
  • Applicants currently serving suspension at another institution may be denied admission
  • Non-degree seeking students who enroll in twelve or more hours are considered full-time students
  • Enrolling as a non-degree seeking student does not negate the residence hall requirement (applicable to full-time students)

Additional Academic Information

Although not required for admission consideration, additional academic information that may supplement an application file includes, but may not be limited to: Advanced Placement; International Baccalaureate; Excelsior (formerly Regents); ACE accredited corporate courses; military credit (DSST, DD214); Law Enforcement Training Institute; RN certification and LPN certification. For use in admissions consideration or for an official evaluation of credit, all documents must be submitted directly to the Admissions Office. For additional information about the transfer of alternative credit, contact the Office of the Registrar.


Students who wish to return to Columbia College after interrupting attendance for one semester (Main Campus Day) or five consecutive sessions or longer (Main Campus Evening and AHE), must apply for readmission. There is no fee for readmission. Applicants must submit completed applications no later than two weeks from the start of the semester (Main Campus Day) or one week from the start of the session (Main Campus Evening and AHE), to which they are applying. Application deadlines will be firmly adhered to regardless of status: full-time, part-time or non-degree seeking. Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis until one week prior to the start of the semester or session.

Official transcripts from each college attended after Columbia College will be required for readmission consideration. Resubmission of transcripts may be required if the absence exceeds five years. Academic and financial status is checked by the campus to which the student reapplies, and the student is notified of the readmission decision. (Students may contact the Enrollment Service Center directly to determine if there is a balance due).

Readmission After Suspension

Students may apply for readmission to Columbia College following a suspension of one semester (Main Campus Day) or two sessions (Main Campus Evening and AHE). Applicants must submit completed applications no later than two weeks from the start of the semester or session to which they are applying.

To apply for readmission after suspension, students must:

  1. Complete the undergraduate application for admission and submit with the non-refundable $35 application fee if it was not paid with the original application for admission.
  2. Write a letter to the Dean for Academic Affairs (Main Campus Day) or the Assistant Dean for Adult Higher Education (Main Campus Evening and AHE) requesting consideration for readmission. The letter should include an assessment of lack of previous academic progress, an outline of accomplishments since suspension and a specific plan of action for success should readmission be approved.
  3. Reconcile any balance owed to the Enrollment Service Center.
  4. Request official transcripts be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar from each college attended since leaving Columbia College.
  5. Main Campus Day students who were born after January 1, 1957 must submit a completed Columbia College Medical History form and show proof of two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).

Readmission After Dismissal

Students may apply for readmission to Columbia College following a dismissal of three years. Applicants must submit completed applications no later than two weeks from the start of the semester or session to which they are applying.

To apply for readmission after dismissal, students must:

  1. Complete the undergraduate application for admission and submit with the non-refundable $35 application fee if it was not paid with the original application for admission.
  2. Write a letter to the Dean for Academic Affairs (Main Campus Day) or the Assistant Dean of Adult Higher Education (Main Campus Evening and AHE) requesting consideration for readmission. The letter should include an assessment of lack of previous academic progress, an outline of accomplishments since dismissal and a specific plan of action for success should readmission be approved.
  3. Reconcile any balance owed to the Enrollment Service Center.
  4. Request official transcripts be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar from each college attended since leaving Columbia College.
  5. Day students who were born after January 1, 1957 must submit a completed Columbia College Medical History form and show proof of two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).

Students who have been permanently dismissed from Columbia College are not eligible for readmission.

Early-Out Admission

Main Campus Day and Main Campus Evening students of exceptional ability may apply for admission to Columbia College following completion of their Junior year of high school and after having earned 15 units of high school credit. Applicants for early-out admission must complete the normal procedure for regular admission as well as arrange for a personal interview. Students must show an academic record which reflects readiness for college-level work. Consent of the high school principal and parents is required. Admission is contingent upon approval by the admissions review committee.

Transcripts/Credit Documents Requirement

Applicants must inform the College of all institutions of higher learning attended and whether or not academic credit was earned at these institutions. Falsification of application information, including failure to identify all post-secondary institutions attended, may result in denial of admission or dismissal if discovered after enrollment.

An official transcript and official English language translation from each college and university attended must be submitted to the College before transfer of credit can be accomplished. An official transcript is marked as such and sent directly from the institution attended to the Columbia College Office of the Registrar. A transcript marked official and hand delivered in a sealed envelope of the institution by the applicant will be accepted as official. Transcripts marked unofficial or student copy will not be considered official even if delivered in a sealed institution envelope. Faxed transcripts are not considered official. Credit will not be evaluated for one institution from another institution’s transcript. Only grades of ‘C’ or higher are accepted in transfer. The following is a list of examinations and test scores that must be submitted for an official evaluation: CLEP, DANTES (DSST), AP and IB.

Transfer applicants must present a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average. Only grades of C or above are accepted in transfer. If fewer than 24 hours are accepted, transfer applicants will be considered for admission on the basis of their high school record (class rank, ACT/SAT, grade point average) in addition to college coursework. A student who has earned more than six college credits after high school completion is considered a transfer student.

Appeals may be made for an exception to having all transcripts/credit documents submitted prior to an evaluation. An appeal must include a statement of why the transcript/credit document is unavailable and/or why the applicant wishes to proceed without it for the initial evaluation. A waiver/disclaimer statement must also be signed by the applicant indicating that he understands that he is responsible for any consequences incurred due to the late receipt of all documents. Areas of consequence include, but are not limited to, enrollment for a subsequent term, advising and academic level.

Appeals will not be approved nor exceptions made for the following reasons:

  • Applicant owes money at another institution and is therefore unable to procure an official transcript;
  • Poor grades at the previous institution and therefore courses may not be transferable to Columbia College;
  • Applicant does not believe that previous coursework is applicable to Columbia College;
  • Applicant does not want to pay transcript fees.

Applicants who are unable to obtain transcripts because the previous institution has closed, had a fire or other records catastrophe may include a letter from the institution or the Department of Education for the state or the Ministry of Education where the school is located indicating that the transcript is not available. If the letter is provided along with the application and other transfer documents, then an appeal is not necessary and there will be no delay in the evaluation process.

Applicants may also submit a letter of appeal if a previous institution attended is not currently nor has ever been accredited by one of the accrediting bodies recognized by Columbia College.

Once a document has been submitted it becomes the property of Columbia College. Neither the original nor a copy will be given to the applicant.

Main Campus Day Students Only

High School Dual Enrollment

High school Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to take college courses for credit while completing high school. Application deadlines will be firmly adhered to for all applicants regardless of status.

Students in high school who wish to earn credit at Columbia College must:

  1. Submit the undergraduate application for admission to the Day Campus with a one-time, non-refundable $35 fee. Applicants must submit completed applications no later than two weeks from the start of the semester to which they are applying.
  2. Request an official high school transcript and ACT or SAT score be sent directly to the Admissions office.
  3. Present a 2.5 cumulative high school grade point average and a minimum 21 ACT/990 SAT or minimum 50th percentile class rank.
  4. Provide written support from the high school principal or guidance counselor and a parent or legal guardian by completing the Columbia College dual enrollment form (contact Admissions for this form).
  5. Homeschooled students must complete steps 1-3 and submit a letter of written support from a parent or legal guardian by completing the dual enrollment form.

The admissions review committee reserves the right to review any application for admission under the dual enrollment status.

Admissions Review Process

Applicants who do not meet the standards described above for general admittance may be considered for admission through the Admissions Review Committee process. Application deadlines will be firmly adhered to for all applicants regardless of status: full-time, part-time or non-degree seeking. For exact deadline dates, contact the campus you applied through. In addition to the materials outlined above for general admittance, Admissions Review Committee applicants must:

  1. Submit a letter that explains previous academic experiences and addresses difficulties encountered; a description of an activity, project or task at which they have persevered to completion; and a plan for success at Columbia College.
  2. Complete a personal interview with an Admissions Counselor.

Applications with supporting materials will be reviewed to determine whether applicants are admitted to the College. If admitted, students must earn a minimum 2.0 grade point average during their first term enrolled at Columbia College. Failure to do so may result in suspension from the College.

An applicant who is denied admission to the home campus programs may be granted permission to apply through the Main Campus Evening, Nationwide or Online Campus programs.


Upon notification of admission to the Day Campus, students should acknowledge acceptance of the offer of admission by making a deposit payment of $100. The fee is credited to the student’s account and is refundable until May 1 prior to the fall of initial enrollment or until December 15 prior to the spring of initial enrollment. The fee assures the privilege to preregister for classes offered the succeeding semester and secures a residence hall assignment if appropriate. The deposit is required of all students prior to registering for classes, regardless of their financial status.

Immunization Requirement

The Columbia College immunization policy does not affect admission to the College nor initial enrollment in the Day Campus. However, new Main Campus Day students must submit a completed Columbia College Medical History form and show proof of two vaccinations for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), and, if indicated, the meningococcal meningitis vaccine and tuberculosis screening (PPD). Failure to submit this information within the first semester of attendance will affect subsequent enrollment.