The Environmental Science major is a science-based course of study that focuses on the natural environment and man’s interactions and use of its resources. Students examine the structure and function of natural systems and develop techniques and skills that could allow them to work in the field of natural resources.
A degree in Environmental Science can lead to careers in a wide variety of public and private organizations and government agencies. It may also prepare students to pursue advanced graduate study.
Students who have completed a degree in Environmental Science at Columbia College will be able to:
1. Explain scientific vocabulary and knowledge
2. Describe biological principles, models and theories used to predict, understand and apply to environmental phenomena
3. Explain and demonstrate the scientific method and its applications
4. Demonstrate proficiency in laboratory skills, including familiarity with the use of instrumentation and analytic methods commonly used in environmental research
5. Interpret scientific results through the use of statistical analyses and critical thinking, and make conclusions
6. Demonstrate competence in evaluating scientific writing and primary literature
7. Recognize and apply key issues regarding ethics in Environmental Science and everyday life
Program CIP: 03.0104 - Environmental Sciences.
Program SOC: 19-2041 - Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health