Feb 21, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026
Beacon Secondary Chemistry Certification Minor
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Fifty-four semester hours of courses with an EDUC field code plus ANTH 270 or SOCI 270 . Minor is restricted to the following specific 57 hours of Professional Education coursework as well as 35 hours of Chemistry content courses. Students must complete at least half (29 hours) of the Professional Education coursework through Columbia College and maintain a 3.0 GPA with no grade lower than C in both Professional Education and Chemistry content area.
Content Area Requirements (35 sem. hrs)
History/Philosophy of Science & Technology (3 hrs) - HIST 303W - Science, Technology, and Humanity: A History 3 hours
- BIOL 105 - Essentials of Science 3 hours or
- CHEM 105 - Essentials of Science 3 hours or
- ENVS 105 - Essentials of Science 3 hours
Twenty (20) hrs of Chemistry coursework which must include Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Biochemistry - CHEM 310 - Organic Chemistry I 3 hours
- CHEM 322 - Inorganic Chemistry 3 hours
- CHEM 335 - Quantitative Analysis 5 hours
- CHEM 401 - Introduction to Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics 3 hours or
- PHYS 401 - Introduction to Physical Chemistry/Chemistry Physics 3 hours
- BIOL 420 - Biochemistry I 3 hours or
- CHEM 420 - Biochemistry I 3 hours
Chemistry Electives - to fulfill 20-hour minimum (above), choose from the following: - CHEM 108 - Physical Science Survey 3 hours
- CHEM 109 - Chemistry for Biological and Health-Related Sciences 3 hours
- CHEM 110 - Chemistry I 3 hours
- CHEM 112 - Chemistry II 3 hours
- CHEM 230 - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 3 hours
- CHEM 312 - Organic Chemistry II 3 hours
- CHEM 337 - Instrumental Analysis 5 hours
- CHEM 399 - Science Internship 1-3 hours
- CHEM 412 - Advanced Experimental Chemistry 3 hours
- CHEM 422 - Biochemistry II 3 hours
- FRSC 424 - Forensic Chemistry 4 hours
- CHEM 499 - Advanced Science Internship 1-3 hours
Twelve (12) hrs of Additional Science coursework which must include Biology, Physics, Earth Science, and Environmental Science - BIOL 110 - Principles of Biology I 3 hours
- PHYS 111 - College Physics I 3 hours
- GEOL 111 - Applied Geology 4 hours
- BIOL 115 - Introduction to Environmental Science 3 hours or
- ENVS 115 - Introduction to Environmental Science 3 hours
Professional Education Requirements (57 sem. hrs)
1Includes Field Experience 2 Must be taken within first 9 hours of EDUC classes 3 Meets college Ethics requirement 4 Must receive a “B” or higher for certification: Two placements (Elementary and Secondary) |
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