Feb 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Main Campus Evening Student Affairs

Bookstore Information

The main campus Bookstore, located on the first floor of the Student Commons, carries a wide range of books, art supplies, study materials, college memorabilia, personal grooming products and snacks. Evening students will receive their textbooks electronically through Truition and will not need to purchase textbooks through the bookstore.  

Counseling Services

Counseling Services is located on the second floor of the Atkins-Holman Student Commons (AHSC, Room 210).

Confidential counseling is provided free of charge by licensed professionals to assist students with personal, developmental, or psychological concerns related to personal growth and making academic progress. Students use our services to seek assistance with matters such as anxiety/panic, test anxiety, depression, stress and time management, developing healthy relationships, sleep issues, conflict resolution, grief, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, attention difficulties, and more. Counseling Services is a confidential resource for dating violence, domestic violence, sexual violence and harassment. Our office also provides referrals to community resources when appropriate. For additional information and online resources, see the counseling services webpage: www.ccis.edu/counselingservices. Appointments are available Monday - Friday; to make an appointment please call 573-875-7423.

Grossnickle Career Services

Making the successful transition from college to the workplace can be challenging and Grossnickle Career Services Center is here to provide support.

Career Services works with students and alumni in all areas of career development through in-person meetings, online resources and communications in areas such as: 

  • Assessing abilities, interests, and priorities
  • Developing interview skills
  • Internships
  • Learning about graduate school options and the admissions process
  • Mastering job search techniques
  • Resume development
  • Understanding the relationship between choice of major and career plans

Setting up an appointment to talk to a career counselor can be done through Aviso or contacting the office directly by phone at 573-875-7425, email at careerservices@ccis.edu or by stopping by the office in Missouri Hall 223. 

Additionally, Columbia College students have access to a powerful, innovate career management system called Handshake.  Handshake allows students to search through thousands of jobs, internships, and employers throughout the country, find in-person and virtual hiring and graduate school events, and access resources to help them build resumes and cover letters.  Handshake is free and easily accessible on all devices. Get started with Handshake at www.ccis.edu/handshake. 

Career Services also hosts a number of free events every year to help students get ready for their professional life.  From opportunities to meet alumni in different fields, safely practicing your networking skills, or meeting employers at our annual Career Fair - these events are fun ways to get ready for graduation. Events can be found through our website or Handshake.

To learn more about the Career Services Office or any of our services, check out our website at www.ccis.edu/careercenter

Honor Societies

Alpha Kappa Delta

Alpha Kappa Delta is an international sociology honor society. Membership is limited to sociology majors who have maintained high academic achievement in both their sociology coursework as well as their coursework overall, and must maintain 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Alpha Lambda Delta

Alpha Lambda Delta is a national scholastic society that recognizes superior scholastic achievements by freshmen students during their first year at Columbia College. It selects its members from students who rank in the top 20 percent of their class during their first term, have a 3.5 GPA and are enrolled full time pursuing a baccalaureate degree at an institution with an active Alpha Lambda Delta chapter at the time of eligibility.

Alpha Phi Sigma

A national honor society for students in criminal justice administration and forensic science. Members must rank in the top 35% of their class, have completed a minimum of four courses within the criminal justice curriculum, maintain a 3.2 GPA in their criminal justice courses, as well as maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Alpha Sigma Lambda

The Omega Zeta Chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda is an adult honor society for degree seeking students who attend the Evening Campus. ASL provides a means of recognition for the special achievements of adults who accomplish academic excellence while facing competing interests of home and work. Eligible students will be invited to join the Omega Zeta Chapter by the Evening Campus. The criteria for membership is completion of 24 hours of course work with Columbia College (12 of which are Liberal Arts credits), be in the highest 20% of the undergraduate Columbia College student population, and have a minimum 3.2 GPA.

Kappa Delta Pi

A national education honor society with membership limited to undergraduate education majors with a minimum GPA of 3.25 and graduate education majors with a minimum GPA if 3.75. The organization encourages excellence in scholarship, personal standards and teacher preparation. Once elected to this society, membership is renewable for life.

Kappa Mu Epsilon

A national honor society in mathematics. Membership is open to students who rank in the upper 35 percent of their class, have completed at least three semesters of college work and completed at least three courses in mathematics, including at least one semester of calculus, and attained an average of B or better in all mathematics courses.

Lambda Pi Eta

A national honor society for students in speech communication. Eligibility for membership requires completion of 60 semester hours, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, completed 12 semester hours in communication studies and have at least a 3.25 GPA for all communication studies courses.

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Alpha Theta is a professional society, which promotes the study of history through encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning among historians. Eligibility for membership is based upon a minimum GPA of at least 3.1 in 12 or more hours of history credits and a minimum of a 3.0 GPA overall.

Pi Sigma Alpha

A national honor society for students in political science. Its purpose is to stimulate scholarship and interest in political science by recognizing students who have excelled in the field. Eligibility for membership requires a minimum completion of 10 semester hours of political science courses with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and rank in the upper third of their class.

SALUTE Veterans Honor Society

SALUTE Veterans Honor Society recognizes the academic success of student veterans at Columbia College. Collegiate members shall be students enrolled in an undergraduate program at the time of initiation, have been honorably discharged from the armed services, or provide proof of current duty station. Members must also have completed 12 semester hours or its equivalent of one semester, have junior standing, and have a minimum 3.0 grade point average.

Sigma Beta Delta - Main Campus

An international honor society in business, management and administration. Membership is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in the top 15 percent of their class with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and at least 30 semester hours at Columbia College.

Sigma Tau Delta

  • Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor society. Active membership is limited to English majors and minors, with a B or higher average in English classes (beyond composition), who rank in the highest 35 percent of their class in general scholarship and who have completed at least three semesters of college work. Associate membership is open to students with the requisite academic background who are not majoring or minoring in English.

Sigma Zeta

A national honor society primarily for science students. Membership is open to students who have earned at least 15 hours of science and mathematics courses with at least a 3.0 GPA and whose other grades are satisfactory.

Tau Upsilon Alpha

Tau Upsilon Alpha is a national organization for human services. The purpose of this honor society is to honor academic excellence, to promote excellence in service to humanity, and to foster lifelong learning, leadership and development. Membership is based upon a minimum of 3.25 GPA, and members must be in the upper 35 percent of their class, have completed 12 hours of Human Services courses at Columbia College, and have a minimum of 52 total semester hours.

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

A national honor society in computer and information sciences. Membership is limited to students who have completed at least 64 semester hours including CISS 350 or equivalent, have a GPA of at least 3.5 in computer science or computer information systems and rank in the upper third of all students in the major.

Parking Permits

All Columbia College students and employees must obtain a parking permit for any vehicle parked on campus. Parking permits must be displayed at all times. Parking permits may be ordered online by using the “Campus Safety” link found at the bottom of the Columbia College website (www.ccis.edu) or by going directly to the following online address: http://www.ccis.edu/Offices/CampusSafety/Permit.aspx. It is recommended you have your parking permit mailed to you, at no additional charge. Permits may also be picked up at the Enrollment Services Center in Missouri Hall 205. Proof of identification is required to pick up a parking permit. Call (573) 875-7252 for more information.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services is located on the second floor of the Atkins-Holman Student Commons (AHSC, Room 206). Health services are available to day and evening students. Student Health Services strives to provide students of Columbia College with excellent high-quality medical care that promotes student health and academic success in a non-discriminatory and supportive atmosphere. It is staffed by a board certified advanced practice registered nurse (APRN). The nurse practitioner provides a wide range of health care services including diagnosis and treatment of most acute illnesses or minor injuries. Medical care and most services are free to students. Some fees may apply for testing and injections. Appointments are preferred and are available Monday - Friday; to make an appointment please call 573-875-7423. For more information refer to the Student Health Services Website: www.ccis.edu/healthservices.

Testing Services

The Testing Center conducts a variety of tests such as the CLEP, DANTES, ACT Residual, English and Math Placement, Online Proctored Exams, MOGEA, and testing for students with disabilities. To contact Testing Services, call (573) 875-7485 or by e-mail at testingservices@ccis.edu.