Marketing is everywhere. This major will assist in preparing you for this vast field. Students will get a firm grounding in business administration as well as have the opportunity to study various areas such as digital marketing, marketing communications, consumer behavior, marketing research, advertising, sales and service, and strategic marketing management. This includes appropriate and ethical strategies and tactics related to pricing, product, distribution, and promotion to solve marketing problems. Students will understand the importance of providing value to the consumer while building relationships all within the whole marketing process. Potential career opportunities include advertising, market research, e-marketing, public relations, social media, working with brands, product and service marketing, event marketing, sales and service.
In general, 300 - level courses in the Business Administration Professional Core or Electives Groups are taken after students have completed the freshman and sophomore years (4 full semesters).
However, students who have completed 45 semester hours and who have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.75 or above are eligible to take 300 - level business core courses during the second semester of the sophomore year.
A student can complete no more than two internships in business administration, each carrying no more than three semester hours of credit.
This program is accredited by ACBSP.
Program CIP: 52.1401 - Marketing/Marketing Management, General.
Program SOC: 11-2021 - Marketing Managers